
November 15, 2014

Hagrid, is that you?

Anyone who knows me well, will know my family calls me Hagrid for a reason. Not because I am giant wizard who was wrongly expelled for a crime he didn’t commit only to become the grounds man for Hogwarts and also befriend three young students, but because we have the same hair. Curly, wild and bushy, you would swear we shared a mother! Don’t worry, we don’t actually, or that would explain why I resemble a giant…
You are all welcome
Now because my mom has seemingly thinner in hair in comparison to me, it is understandable the two of us hadn’t really mastered how to tame the mane. At the end of grade 6, it was extremely bad. I don’t know if you will understand the severity of the situation, but I had a giant knot, the size of two fists at the back of my head with little fringe pieces hanging out and that was it. I had tried covering it with conditioner and combing through it. The results included an empty bottle of conditioner and a comb that snapped in half. I also tried to randomly cut pieces out, but that didn’t work out so well.

Then the tragic day came, when they called every student to the front office for a lice check. Well I was definitely being punished because I was sent home to my mother with lice (let me remind you, lice like clean hair, so those stuck up 6 girls who remained at school lice-less, we were the real winners). When my mother discovered the severity of the situation, she realized a change needed to be made.

It was clear life couldn’t continue this way, and so to the hairdresser we went where I kid you not, they chopped all my hair off. I had a genuine afro, and not the cool looking one, more like the troll doll looking one. Now of course it had to happen right before I started grade 7, the start of my wondrous social life and my rise to fame. What a joke! If my brother and I every looked like twins, it was then. We literally had the same haircut. How was I supposed to make a name for myself in the social world of lumo and cowboy socials when I looked like I was on the other team (or maybe playing for it?).

It was very obviously a traumatic time for me, and very clearly the reason I remained single all the way through grade 7 while my friends were all vibing with seemingly shorter boys with squeaky voices. Maybe I was actually saved from an experience I would most probably regret now! 

November 7, 2014

Guess who's back?!

So, remember once upon a time when I was super eager and keen about blogging…yeah I do too! And then I suddenly stopped! For 3 months I didn’t post a thing. But guess who's back? Back again? It is Eminem! Jokes, it’s me. I am back, and hopefully here to stay!

To be honest the reason I stopped, is because I wasn’t getting as many views as I wanted and it kinda discouraged me. Then a complete random came up to me and told me how much they loved Crocker’s Corner and how much they missed my posts. Well random girl, I am writing this for you!
Now, us grade 11s are about to write some very important exams, yet here I am – blogging instead of studying.

Now, I need to tell you all how bad my week was (it really wasn’t that bad – it was actually lovely but there were moments that really did suck a fair bit). I washed my blazer this weekend as the prefects have to send them in for braiding soon. I was all ready for a good Monday when a bird took a giant dump on my shoulder. I, of course didn’t notice this until my friend pointed it out while laughing hysterically at me. I cleaned it off and tried to enjoy all the joys of my Monday. The day was perfect until I reached into my pocket to get my glasses when  I grabbed a giant blob of pigeon faeces which had obviously landed in my pocket during the incident in the morning. Well as you could probably guess, I was NOT pleased!

Then on Wednesday, I was having break outside with my friends, which is rare. Not because I don’t have friends, but because I always have a meeting. When from the heavens above, I giant blob of purple bird poo landed on my knee. It wasn’t the crunchy kind that you can flick off and then wipe, no it was the wet sloppy kind. Sorry if this is too much information, but I need you all to understand how much my life sucked.

I obviously had to wash my blazer again so I decided to do it on Thursday so I could take it in on Friday. I was taking it off the line this morning when I discovered it covered in…bugs! Ha-ha, bet you thought I was going to say bird poo. No, luckily not! But while I was taking it off the line, a bird took a giant poop right next me and my freshly washed blazer. I slowly backed into the house, in my attempt to not alert the bird.

I don’t know what all of this means…maybe it is good luck for exams next week, or maybe the bird community is suddenly out to get me. Who knows?